I will not lie.
I will not cheat.
I will not steal.
I will respect myself and others.

As members of Saint Stephen’s Episcopal School we hold ourselves to the highest ideals of integrity and honor. The Honor Code embodies the principles of strong character and serves to guide us, enrich and elevate the quality of our lives, and lead us toward building the sort of society in which we most want to live. These principles color how we define our relationships with others, our community, and ourselves.

The words of the code are posted in each academic room as a reminder of the central role that honor serves in our community. In establishing and supporting an honor code, a trust naturally develops among students and between students and faculty. Our use of lockless “honor cubbies,” rather than the traditional locked lockers, is one concrete example of this trust.

The Honor Council is an educational body composed of faculty and students whose role is to uphold the Honor Code and address honor transgressions. This group works to reinforce our culture of trust.